Grace Today


Sitting by a window for even just a few quiet minutes to listen to the rain.

A shower and "real" clothes on before 8am to make me feel like a normal human.

Extra time to be with John-Mark while he's doing dishes before work.

Implementing "quiet play" with E a few weeks ago and she asks for it, and plays independently for a (relatively) long time each morning at the start of JW's nap. (Why didn't I start this sooner??)

This is grace today.

Some days don't always go as planned. Some days are full of rainy mornings and cancelled library storytimes. Some days the deadlines have come up too fast with way too much work to finish before they're due.

Some days we just wake up on the wrong side of the bed. And everything seems wrong.

Right? You feel me?

So, I'm here to start choosing to see the grace in the everyday. Probably not literally every day. But I know that there are moments worth pointing out to myself as being grace for today.

Grace as in a gift undeserved.

Grace as in a moment to shift my gaze away from me and onto Him.

Grace is in, not the gift, but the Giver.

Not as a ritualistic, pretend I'm happy, find-the-silver-lining-in-everything type of way. But in a recognition that even in the small moments (and the big ones and everything in between) there are moments where God is near and where he shows me love.

Join me? What's grace for you today?



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